Coverage & Scope

Our refund policy at MILPROSYS is designed to ensure fair and transparent practices, adhering to industry norms. This policy governs MILPROSYS's approach to refunds and does not extend to entities outside our ownership or control, including third-party service providers and websites linked to MILPROSYS’s platforms.

When Do You Qualify For Refunds?

At MILPROSYS, we prioritize finding ideal solutions for any issues you may encounter. Refunds are considered only in extreme circumstances where no viable resolution is possible. Refund eligibility is contingent upon the following conditions:

Development/Post-sales Operations Not Initiated:

Refunds may be considered if the development or post-sales operations have not yet commenced

Issues Beyond Scope of Resolution:

Refunds are applicable when the issues with the project are beyond the scope of rectification, resolution, or fixing.

Payment Terms Adherence:

Refunds are contingent on your adherence to our payment terms.

Non-Exploitation of Information:

Refunds will not be granted if you have used any information obtained during our association for monetary or business benefits.

Valid and Rational Reasons:

Refunds are considered for valid, rational, and realistic reasons.

Demonstrated Skills:

You must demonstrate innovative UI design and development skills.

Submission of Proofs and Evidences:

Refund claims must be accompanied by all necessary proofs and evidences.

Non-Billing Dispute:

Refunds are not granted for claims arising from billing disputes with your bank or payment vendor.

Important Note: Violation of any of the above conditions renders your refund claim void. The decision on refunds is final and irrevocable.

How The Refund Takes Place?


Refund queries are processed, analyzed, and verified for veracity

Parameters and reference points are checked for agreement

Refunds are arranged in permissible situations, settling fully or partly, as appropriate.


A proof agreement is signed.

Unless otherwise instructed, all copies of shared information and communication are to be destroyed.


The refund process may take 7-10 business days after the agreement is signed.

Refunds are issued in the currency of the original transaction. Any fees or losses incurred during currency exchange are the responsibility of the customer.


MILPROSYS reserves the right to amend this policy at its sole discretion without prior notice. Users are advised to check the policy periodically for updates.

For more information on our Refund Policy, please contact us at